Компанія Crowdin

Crowdin – компанія, яка створює унікальний продукт – платформу для локалізації.


Відрадно, що засновником компанії та автором ідеї продукту є Сергій Дмитришин, випускник кафедри комп’ютерних систем та мереж.

Компанія Crowdin є місцем праці багатьох талановитих інженерів, зокрема, випускників нашої кафедри.


Crowdin is a software development company with almost 1M registered users from all over the world. We provide localization management platform designed to automate the localization process within agile software development companies.

Over 40K software products come from companies of different sizes, who use Crowdin for managing translation projects. They like what they do, and we assist them in doing their job.

Crowdin started up in 2009, and we have never stopped growing ever since. Our team consists of developers, QA engineers, marketing and customer success managers. We are looking for motivated, intelligent and hard-working people to join our company.

If you are interested in the sphere of software development, possess necessary technical skills and have a burning desire to develop all the time, we are waiting for you!